Monday, August 12, 2013


Caged by my own thoughts a prisoner of my own mind
The silence screams so loud I search for reality, no sign
The invisible lines of physical and fantasy have been so blurred
I attempt to wake my open eyes but it’s my day dreams I prefer

I am not living, I'm simply existing, in this mess that I’ve created
Can’t go back and erase the past, after all that would be time wasted
I can only go forward, though it feels like I'm running uphill, on quick sand
My chin is up, tears cloud my vision, no sense in reaching for help, no hands

This is my life, my fight, I must be strong enough to do this all alone
As I sit back observing attentively, slowly true colors are shown
While I'm quiet and not speaking, they wonder what I'm thinking
But my thoughts are mine, they’re all I have, let them think I'm sinking

I may trip but I will not fall, I am destined for nothing less than greatness
I take something from every misfortune, that’s why my heart is weightless
Always keep a straight face or dress it up with a perfectly painted smile
I laugh at jokes, engage in mindless conversation, crying inside all the while

I am human on the inside, I believe that’s where it counts the most
But on the outside I'm completely put together, all emotions ghost
No more letting perpetrators in, no more let downs, no more selfless sins
I’ve given too much of what I don’t have away with absolutely no wins

My mind is set, I'm breaking through these bars, after these tears are shed
Taking two steps backwards, out of the picture, to see what lies ahead
When you don’t know what to do, you should simply stand still
That’s what I am doing now, because whatever is supposed to happen will