Wednesday, March 5, 2014


Skin crawling with discomfort, the tears serve no purpose
Why do we choose to engage in situations that continue to hurt us?
I say choose, you may disagree, but it's always a defining decision
It's hard to accept responsibility, for the Masochism you've chosen to live in

When a friend in need approaches, with tears in their eyes
My words flow fluently like liquid bandages, as their pain is compromised
I hear praise, I feel the love, and I know that once again, I have ameliorated
Silently hoping to take my own advice, choking until I’m asphyxiated

To be so intelligent, that you're forced to observe yourself, through plated glass
Can cause insanity, as you fight the paralysis, and once again, pull on the mask
The hero, the conquer, the gallant, who can straight faced take on the world
The one who refuses to close their eyes, for fear of inevitably, seeing themselves

You'll never know I beat me, you'll never see my scars
I hide them, with every laugh, every smile, keeping myself in charge
I know implosion awaits me, I know one day, I shall face me
I daydream about this bitter sweet encounter, with an attitude, always hasty

As I wander through each passing day, I avoid glancing left or right
The reflection in reflecting things, might offer some unwanted insight
Do not ask questions, you do not want answers to, always first prepare
So my world is filled with broken mirrors, after all, it’s impolite to stare

The most difficult battle you will ever fight, is the one against yourself
Some people never engage the thought, some people never ask for help
I'm not sure if it's help I need, or I simply just choose to ignore
I'm not sure if it's worth the energy, I'm not sure what I'd be fighting for

I do know however, that I am special, I do know I'm worth a second look 
A rare breed, a diamond in the rough, that is all too often forsook
Brushed over, glanced passed, not paid close enough attention to
I also know, until I win this battle against me, no one ever will

You never allow someone to abuse you, more that you abuse yourself
Let me admit the truth to this statement, coming to terms with it myself
But please don't try to fix me, your speech is better left unspoken
I am a masterpiece, a contingent extraordinaire, I am beautifully broken


  1. Beautiful.. Well said boo... Xoxo lilly

  2. We go through our struggles but we progress & rise to the top. So proud of u & as I've been going by this motto recently #LoveisLOVE ��������

    1. That we do. But we will always be "us" Forever! Love you.

  3. I am a friend of Kristie. We work together at Briarcliffe. I am a poet as well, and I really enjoyed reading this piece..PHENOMENAL
